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Planning Commission vs Wawa & Calabro
At the April 13, 2022, Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, Planning Commission (PC) Chair Peggy Driscoll presented the Commission's de facto decision to recommend that the BOS NOT approved Wawa's latest Land Development Plan to build a Superstore (combination gas station and convenience store) on the Newtown Bypass.
Ms. Driscoll then went on to present evidence that Wawa's plan - which was reviewed by the PC on April 5, 2022 - violated the township's E30 ordinance, which was crafted specifically to allow Wawa to build a Superstore (combination gas station & convenience store) in Newtown.
She also mentioned several recommendations of the Bucks County Planning Commission for changes to the plan that Wawa discounted and refused to address.
Meanwhile, Supervisor Calabro Chastises Driscoll!
After her presentation, Supervisor Calabro was critical of her handling of the April 5 PC meeting because she allowed Holland residents to make comments. Mr. Calabro provided misinformation that only one or two Newtown residents made comments and eight non-residents made comments. I recorded the meeting and the speakers in order of appearance are as follows:
- Bradley Cooper – Newtown Twp resident
- John D’Aprile – Newtown Twp resident
- Eric Hollenbach – Newtown Twp resident
- Brett Duffey – Newtown Twp resident
- Middletown (Summit Trace) resident
- Holland resident
- Holland resident
- Holland resident
Listen to all these comments...
Mr. Calabro went so far as to suggest that ONLY Newtown residents should be allowed to make comments at official Newtown meetings. Supervisor Davis thought this was censorship.
Calabro continued for several minutes to harangue Ms. Driscoll as he has done previously with Newtown residents making comments before the BOS. [View this video clip: "Calabro Harangues Delancey Court HOA President".]
Although at times Ms. Driscroll appeared to be distraught, she withstood Calabro's attempts to discredit her advice and refused to get into a "pissing match" with him.
Afterward, Terry Christensen - a NEWTOWN RESIDENT and a member of the Planning Commission - detailed how Wawa misled the PC with an out-of-date traffic study.
Supervisor Snyder agreed with Ms. Driscoll and Mr. Christensen that Wawa was not prepared to answer questions at the April 5 PC meeting.
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