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Meet Mack Monday
Join Me for a Chat
Are you concerned about over development in Newtown, tax increases, traffic, quality of our roads, preserving open space or about any issue that has or will come before the Board of Supervisors (BOS) and other township boards and commissions?
Feel free to attend one of my Meet Mack Monday (MMM) events that I host periodically, usually the 2nd or 3rd Monday of the month before the first or second BOS meeting (refer to the Event Calendar for specific dates and access to registration form). I will inform you of items coming up for discussion at public meetings you may not be able to attend and that are not televised. I will listen to your concerns and together with other residents and business owners I will try to come up with solutions to problems that make sense for Newtown as a whole.
DISCLAIMER: Meet Mack Monday meetings are not official Newtown Township meetings. The opinions expressed at Meet Mack Monday events are solely those of John Mack and the attendees of the meeting and do not represent the opinions of any other entity.
Next MMM Meeting
You may have participated in past “Meet Mack Monday” Zoom meetings. Sometimes, however, Monday evening is not the best time for hosting these meetings with residents. So I decided to have some “Meet Mack TUESDAY” Zoom meetings! Hopefully, you'll be able to attend the next one:
Meeting Date & Time: TUESDAY, 25 February 2025, 7:00 PM
Agenda includes:
- Short PPT Presentation by John Mack - Review of recent Newtown area news/issues followed by discussion. Topics include:
- Proposed Newtown Sewer Treatment Plant Update - Review of Board of Supervisors (BOS) letter advising NBCJMA (aka Sewer Authority) to “IMMEDIATELY ABANDON” its plans to build a sewer plant in the township. What does the letter say? Why did the BOS take this step? What’s the next steps? Can the BOS actually STOP THE PLANT? What are the options for the land should the Sewer Authority actually abandon the plan? Will the Sewer Authority reverse the 47% rate hike used to cover the purchase of the site for the plant? More... including review of expected response from NBCJMA
- Newtown has reached its maximum allowable sewer capacity (Equivalent Dwelling Units; aka EDUs). What’s the impact on future development? How will this lack of sewer capacity be resolved? At what cost to Newtown residents?
- Pedestrian Safety Update – When will work on crosswalks at Silo Dr and Tara Blvd begin? What was PennDOT’s decision regarding using grant money for the Commons sidewalk project to construct a sidewalk along Newtown-Yardly Rd along the Newtown Trail leading into the Borough? What’s the potential roadblock(s) to getting this done?
- Sunoco Pipeline Update – There has been a Sunoco jet fuel pipeline leak in Upper Makefield. Some homeowners’ wells have been contaminated. Meanwhile, Sunoco has dug up a portion of the line in Newtown, along Eagle Road. There was a public meeting attended by Sunoco, PA Dept. of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration on February 13, 2025. What was said at that meeting? What impact does this have on Newtown residents/
- The 2025 Municipal Election – Two positions will be open on the Newtown BOS: John Mack and Dennis Fisher do not plan to run for re-election. Who is on the ballot? What are the major issues? What’s your opinion?
- Why is the township looking for a new bank, new traffic engineer, new municipal engineering firm, and new audiovisual company?
- Suggest topic(s) via the RSVP form
- Privilege of the Floor - What's on your mind? Fill out the RSVP form to tell me…

RSVP to let me know if you are interested in attending this Zoom meeting. It will take only 1 minute to complete. Also, let me know other issues that should be discussed at this meeting. Upon completion of this form you will have access to the login information. If you cannot attend or miss the meeting, I will send you links to the presentation and discussion. Just fill out the form so I know where to send the information.
This is not an official Newtown Township meeting. It is hosted by Newtown Supervisor John Mack to learn more about issues of concern to Newtown Township residents and to share ideas on important issues.
Selected Recent Past Meetings
Topics for Discussion Included:
- Why Are Crosswalk Safety Projects Delayed?
- Bypass/Summit Shopping Center Crosswalk Update
- Dr. Kevin L. Antoine Appreciation Resolution
- Sewage Treatment Plant (WWTP) Survey Results
- Say No to WWTP Citizen’s Group Report
- More...
The following is a video version of my introductory presentation:
Topics for Discussion Included:
- Sewage Treatment Plant: Environmental Concerns
- Proposed Pedestrian Sidewalk Along NT-Yardley Rd
- Grant Awarded for Newtown Creek Bridge
- Gas Leaf Blower Ban Survey Results
- Pennsylvania Affordable Housing Survey
- Changes to the 2025 Budget
- More...
The following is a video recording of my introductory presentation:
The following is an audio recording of the discussion following my presentation:
Topics for Discussion Included:
- Sewage Treatment Plant & Rate Increase Survey
- 2025 Budget - Some Questions
- Crosswalk & Sidewalk Improvements Update
- Pedestrian Safety – Residents’ Comments
- Increased Fire & EMS Tax Millage Survey
- 2025 Road Repair Plan
- More...
The following is a video recording of my introductory presentation:
The following is an audio recording of the discussion following my presentation:
Topics for Discussion Included:
- Why the Wawa Delay?
- Plan for Sewage Treatment Plant Moves Forward
- Pedestrian Crosswalk Improvements
- LI/O-LI Overlay “By Right” Zoning
- Business Signage Ordinance
- 2025 Budget Preview
- Another Unsafe Crosswalk
- Fire Service Agreement with Borough
- Pollinator Garden Community Planting Event
- More...
Topics for Discussion Included:
- Anti Chick-fil-A at the Bypass Update, Including Petition Results
- Wawa Coming Soon – Will It Sell Beer/Wine 24/7?
- LI/O-LI District Overlay Problems: High Density Housing, More Traffic Congestion
- Corners at Newtown “Garage Core” Apartment Complex: Should We Amend JMZO to Allow This New Use in the Town Center District?
- What’s (not) happening with Pedestrian Crosswalk Improvements?
- Indoor Pickleball Club Proposed for Vacant Bed, Bath, and Beyond Site
- “Pollinator Garden” in Roberts Ridge Park
- More...
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