Supervisor Mack Seeks Funding for Savvy Citizen
Video recorded Wednesday, December 11, 2019
At the December 11, 2019, Newtown Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor John Mack made a case for the township to spend some additional money in 2020 for a Savvy Citizen alert system, which would alert residents via social media or text messages to upcoming meetings, road work, road closures and many other items. “It would be very useful for pushing out notifications not only in our township but neighboring municipalities,” Mack said.
Mack said he had talked company officials into lowering the annual cost of the system from $3,600 to $2,841 and into allowing the township to seek sponsors who would pay for it rather than having it come out of township funds. One potential sponsor mentioned by Mack was the Harvest Seasonal Grill and Wine Bar. The other supervisors agreed to give Mack more time to find sponsors and said they would reconsider approving the system early next year.
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