Newtown Creek Bridge(s) Survey

There are currently TWO #NewtownPA Creek pedestrian bridges proposed - one at Frost Lane and Edgeboro Road in the Borough connected to North Sycamore Street in the Township and one at the other end of town connecting the proposed Steeple View development in the Borough to Carl Sedia Park in the Township.
The Newtown Board of Supervisors and Borough Council already approved the application for a grant to cover the cost ($877,894.88 est.) of the Frost Lane bridge (read more about that here). The Steeple View bridge is just a concept, but the developer has already asked in confidence for opinions from Newtown BOS members (read more about that here).
What’s Your Opinion?
In general, how much are you in favor of/opposed to these proposed bridges?
More Background Information & Opinions
Several people have already expressed opinions about the Steeple View bridge, including participants of the 13 November 2023 Meet Mack Monday Zoom meeting:
Another resident was in favor of the Steeple View bridge saying “This bridge would provide safe passage to Newtown Boro for both Chandler Hall residents and Brookside residents, including my wife and me. We currently cross the Barclay Street bridge, a single lane bridge with no shoulder. We have anxiously awaited completion of this bridge. It should be a priority.”
Regarding the Frost Lane bridge, in November 2019, just four months before the pandemic, Newtown supervisors approved a resolution supporting the concept and working with the borough and the creek coalition to explore the feasibility of the project (read more about this here). And at the 25 October 2023 #NewtownPA Board of Supervisors meeting, the supervisors approved Local Share Account (LSA) Grant application, which requests $999,979.20 for the construction of the bridge (read more about that here).
Your Opinion Is Important To Me!
UPDATE (12/4/2023): To date 179 responses have been collected! 125 (70%) from Newtown Township residents, 40 (22%) from Newtown Borough residents. Over eighty comments have been submitted to date. See these comments embedded below or view the PDF version. A summary of the ALL the results – including % approved vs. % opposed – will be published soon.
Posted on 26 Nov 2023, 11:55 - Category: Development
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