Newtown Planning Commission vs. Jointure Regarding Maximum Allowable E-30 "Fuel Pumps"

In a first-ever virtual Zoom meeting of the Newtown Township Planning Commission (PC) on April 21, 2020, the members discussed the latest version of the E-30 Ordinance - Convenience Store/Fueling Station - submitted by the Joint Zoning Council (JZC, Definition). For background read "Newtown Passes Joint Municipal Curative Amendment."
In the 9-minute audio snippet below, the PC members discuss their consensus as to the maximum number of allowable fueling "pumps" and "stations". The Commission members answered questions sent via email by resident Michael Horbal:
It seems that the term "fuel pumps" is used by the town, but that proposed developments have used multiproduct fuel dispensers (MPD, Definition) with their terminology and there seems to be some confusion as to what is being proposed.
As a comparison, I looked at gas stations in the nearby area and saw that:
- Lukoil is 4 MPD's = 8 fueling stations
- Burns Shell is 2 MPD's = 4 fueling stations
- Kerrigan's Sunocco is 4 MPD's = 8 fueling stations
- Rick Steeles is 4 MPD's = 8 fueling stations
- Village Market is 2 MPD's = 4 fueling stations
- Citgo on State Street = 2 MPD's = 4 fueling stations
- Shell on Rt 413 Wrightstown is 4 MPD's = 8 fueling stations
- BP on Rt 413 Wrightstown is 4 MPD's = 8 fueling stations
- Richboro Wawa is 6 MPD's = 12 fueling stations
My questions are:
Q1. Does "fuel pumps" have the same meaning as multiproduct fuel dispenser (MPD)?
Q2. How many fuel pumps are being proposed by the planning commission?
Q3. How many vehicles will be able to receive gas at the same time under the planning commission proposal?
Q4. Does the proposal put our existing local gas stations at a competitive disadvantage if new stations will allow more fuel pumps than what currently exists?
[You can view the entire 1-hour streaming video of the April 22, 2020, meeting here.]
Jointure's Views on "Fuel Pumps" for Proposed E30 Amendment
At the February 6, 2020, meeting of the Joint Zoning Council, representatives of Newtown, Wrightstown, and Upper Makefield township – the “Jointure” - discussed the E-30 amendment to the Joint Municipal Zoning Ordinance that was drafted by Newtown Township.
The following is an edited excerpt of that discussion focused specifically on the number of fueling pumps that would be allowed. This issue was raised by the Newtown Planning Commission, which suggested among other things that the maximum number of gas pumps should be eight with allowances for an additional four electric charging stations.
Meanwhile, Here's Wawa's View on Maximum Allowable "Fuel Pumps"

Posted on 24 Apr 2020, 11:26 - Category: Zoning
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