My Email Newsletter Subscribers!
Each month I publish several email newsletters: Newtown News Update (NTNU) and News of Interest to Newtown Area Residents (NOI) and Newtown Township Meeting Notes (NTMN) as needed. NTNU includes in-depth coverage of an issue of topical importance to residents. NOI is a collection of summaries of articles curated from various news and other sources focused on a broader range of topics in the Newtown area. NTMN is designed to keep residents informed about important discussions & decisions made at Board of Supervisors meetings. You can access back issues here. Better yet, become a subscriber!
Subscriber Profile
You don't have to be a Democrat or even a resident of Newtown Township to be a subscriber to my Newtown News Update email newsletter series of publications.
Political Party Affiliation
Of the current 613 subscribers (as of April 4, 2021), I estimate that 83% are Newtown Township residents and almost one-third are Republicans (see chart below). Based on 2017 data that I have, approximately 38% of registered Newtown Township voters are Democrats whereas 42% are Republicans.

Age Distribution of Subscribers
Of the current 613 subscribers (as of April 2021), the average age (of the 60% of known age) is 59 years based on voter records. See the age distribution chart below. Based on the voter records I have - which may be a bit old - the average age of registered Newtown Township voters is 53 years.

Subscriber Growth
On average, about 24 new opt-in subscribers are added every month (see chart below). This number varies depending on how I recruit subscribers. Most new prescribers learn about my email newsletter via surveys that I host. See the list of the current surveys.

Posted on 04 Apr 2021, 01:44 - Category: Misc
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